Maintaining a Personal Financial Database

1116 words; 6 minute(s)

Table of Contents

Personal Financial Tracking

For the last 6-ish years, I've tracked my finances in a spreadsheet. This is common practice in the business world, but any good dev will cringe at the thought of storing long-term data in a spreadsheet. A spreadsheet is not for long-term storage or as a source of data to pull data/reports.

As I wanted to expand the functionality of my financial data (e.g., adding more reports), I decided to migrate the data into a database. To run reports, I would query the database and use a language like Python or Javascript to process the data, perform calculations, and visualize the data.


When choosing the type of database I wanted to use for this project, I was split between three options:

  1. MySQL: The database I have the most experience with and have used for years.
  2. PostgreSQL: A database I'm new to, but want to learn.
  3. SQLite: A database that I've used for a couple projects and have moderate experience.

I ended up choosing SQLite since it can be maintained within a single .sqlite file, which allows me more flexibility for storage and backup. I keep this file in my cloud storage and pull it up whenever needed.

GUI Editing

Since I didn't want to try and import 1000--1500 records into my new database via the command line, I opted to use DB Browser for SQLite (DB4S) as a GUI tool. This application is excellent, and I don't see myself going back to the CLI when working in this database.

DB4S allows you to copy a range of cells from a spreadsheet and paste it straight into the SQL table. I used this process for all 36 accounts, 1290 account statements, and 126 pay statements. Overall, I'm guessing this took anywhere between 4--8 hours. In comparison, it probably took me 2-3 days to initially create the spreadsheet.


The schema for this database is actually extremely simple and involves only three tables (for now):

  1. Accounts
  2. Statements
  3. Payroll


The Accounts table contains summary information about an account, such as a car loan or a credit card. By viewing this table, you can find high-level data, such as interest rate, credit line, or owner.

CREATE TABLE "Accounts" (
    "AccountType"   TEXT,
    "AccountName"   TEXT,
    "InterestRate"  NUMERIC,
    "CreditLine"    NUMERIC,
    "State"         TEXT,
    "Owner"         TEXT,
    "Co-Owner"      TEXT,


The Statements table uses the same unique identifier as the Accounts table, meaning you can join the tables to find a monthly statement for any of the accounts listed in the Accounts table. Each statement has an account ID, statement date, and total balance.

CREATE TABLE "Statements" (
    "AccountID"     INTEGER,
    "StatementDate" INTEGER,
    "Balance"       NUMERIC,
    FOREIGN KEY("AccountID") REFERENCES "Accounts"("AccountID")


The Payroll table is a separate entity, unrelated to the Accounts or Statements tables. This table contains all information you would find on a pay statement from an employer. As you change employers or obtain new perks/benefits, just add new columns to adapt to the new data.

CREATE TABLE "Payroll" (
    "PaycheckID"            INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE,
    "PayDate"               TEXT,
    "Payee"                 TEXT,
    "Employer"              TEXT,
    "JobTitle"              TEXT,
    "IncomeRegular"         NUMERIC,
    "IncomePTO"             NUMERIC,
    "IncomeHoliday"         NUMERIC,
    "IncomeBonus"           NUMERIC,
    "IncomePTOPayout"       NUMERIC,
    "IncomeReimbursements"  NUMERIC,
    "FringeHSA"             NUMERIC,
    "FringeStudentLoan"     NUMERIC,
    "Fringe401k"            NUMERIC,
    "PreTaxMedical"         NUMERIC,
    "PreTaxDental"          NUMERIC,
    "PreTaxVision"          NUMERIC,
    "PreTaxLifeInsurance"   NUMERIC,
    "PreTax401k"            NUMERIC,
    "PreTaxParking"         NUMERIC,
    "PreTaxStudentLoan"     NUMERIC,
    "PreTaxOther"           NUMERIC,
    "TaxFederal"            NUMERIC,
    "TaxSocial"             NUMERIC,
    "TaxMedicare"           NUMERIC,
    "TaxState"              NUMERIC,

Python Reporting

Once I created the database tables and imported all my data, the only step left was to create a process to report and visualize on various aspects of the data.

In order to explore and create the reports I'm interested in, I utilized a two-part process involving Jupyter Notebooks and Python scripts.

Step 1: Jupyter Notebooks

When I need to explore data, try different things, and re-run my code cell-by-cell, I use Jupyter Notebooks. For example, I explored the Accounts table until I found the following useful information:

import sqlite3
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib

# Set up database filename and connect
db = "finances.sqlite"
connection = sqlite3.connect(db)
df = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT ** FROM Accounts", connection)

# Set global matplotlib variables
%matplotlib inline
matplotlib.rcParams['text.color'] = 'white'
matplotlib.rcParams['axes.labelcolor'] = 'white'
matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.color'] = 'white'
matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.color'] = 'white'
matplotlib.rcParams['legend.labelcolor'] = 'black'

# Display graph
df.groupby(['AccountType']).sum().plot.pie(title='Credit Line by Account Type', y='CreditLine', figsize=(5,5), autopct='%1.1f%%')

Step 2: Python Scripts

Once I explored enough through the notebooks and had a list of reports I wanted, I moved on to create a Python project with the following structure:

├── notebooks/
│   │   ├── account_summary.ipynb
│   │   ├── account_details.ipynb
│   │   └── payroll.ipynb
├── public/
│   │   ├── image-01.png
│   │   └── image-0X.png
├── src/
│   └── finance.sqlite
├── venv/
├── requirements.txt

This structure allows me to:

  1. Compile all required python packages into requirements.txt for easy installation if I move to a new machine.
  2. Activate a virtual environment in venv/ so I don't need to maintain a system-wide Python environment just for this project.
  3. Keep my notebooks/ folder to continuously explore the data as I see fit.
  4. Maintain a local copy of the database in src/ for easy access.
  5. Export reports, images, HTML files, etc. to public/.

Now, onto the differences between the code in a Jupyter Notebook and the actual Python files. To create the report in the Notebook snippet above, I created the following function inside

# Create summary pie chart
def summary_data(accounts: pandas.DataFrame) -> None:
    accounts_01 = accounts[accounts["Owner"] == "Person01"]
    accounts_02 = accounts[accounts["Owner"] == "Person02"]
    for x in range(1, 4):
        if x == 1:
            df = accounts
            account_string = "All Accounts"
        elif x == 2:
            df = accounts_01
            account_string = "Person01's Accounts"
        elif x == 3:
            df = accounts_02
            account_string = "Person02's Accounts"
        print(f"Generating pie chart summary image for {account_string}...")
        summary_chart = (
                title=f"Credit Line by Type for {account_string}",
        summary_chart.figure.savefig(f"public/summary_chart_{x}.png", dpi=1200)

The result? A high-quality pie chart that is read directly by the public/index.html template I use.

Other charts generated by this project include:

The best thing about this project? I can improve it at any given time, shaping it into whatever helps me the most for that time. I imagine that I will be introducing an asset tracking table soon to track the depreciating value of cars, houses, etc. Who knows what's next?