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Emacs on iPadOS
Fixing Ubuntu Error: 'Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring'
Running Ubuntu Linux on macOS with OrbStack
Email in Doom Emacs with Mu4e on macOS
Using Docker Desktop to Create a Development Web Server
Convert OneNote to Markdown or Org-Mode
Blogging in Org-Mode
Self-Hosting DDNS Updater
Doom Emacs & Org-Mode
Self-Hosting an Otter Wiki
Stuck in Ubuntu's Emergency Mode? Try Fixing the Fstab File
How to Create a ZFS Pool on Ubuntu Linux
Data Visualization: Mapping Omaha Crime Data with Tableau
Building an Audit Status Dashboard
Running Local LLMs on macOS and iOS
Customizing macOS
Don't Say Hello


How to Install NextDNS on the Unifi Dream Machine
Installing scli on Alpine Linux (musl)
Self-Hosting AnonymousOverflow
SSH Hardening for Alpine Linux
Self-Hosting Authelia
Digital Minimalism
Useful SQL Scripts for Auditing Logical Access
Self-Hosting Gitweb via Nginx
Agile Auditing: An Introduction
How to Avoid Plex Error: 'Conversion failed. The transcoder failed to start up.'
Enable LAN Access in Mullvad Wireguard Configuration Files
Self-Hosting Voyager - A Lemmy Web Client
Getting Started with Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage
Self-Hosting Convos IRC Web Client
Audit Testing Review Template
Block IP Addresses and Subnets with Unifi Network Firewall
Inspecting Nginx Logs with GoAccess and MaxMind GeoIP Data
Self-Hosting Baikal Server (CalDAV & CardDAV)
RE: Burnout
Exploring the Hare Programming Language
Self-Hosting Wger Workout Manager
Connecting to a Random Mullvad Wireguard Host on Boot
Running Flatpak Apps with Symlinks
How to Remove the Login Manager from Fedora i3
How to Easily Mass Unlike Tumblr Posts with Javascript
Recent Website Changes


Alpine Linux as a Desktop OS
Simple Terminal
Redirect Nginx Subdomains and Trailing Content with Regex
Enable GZIP Compression in Nginx
Creating a Referrer Ban List in Nginx
Building a Custom Rack-Mounted Server
Fixing Permission Errors in /var/lib/nginx
Self-Hosting Matrix Synapse on Alpine Linux
How to Disable or Change the Display Manager on Void Linux
Alpine Linux: My New Server OS
How to Mount an MTP Mobile Device on Fedora Linux
Syncthing: A Minimal Self-Hosted Cloud Storage Solution
Installing Graphene OS on the Pixel 6 Pro
Serenity OS: Testing Out a Unique System
Concerning Changes on
Upgrade Bash with Bash-It and
Recursive Command-Line FLAC to Opus Conversion
CurseRadio: Listening to the Radio on the Command Line
GNU Privacy Guard (GPG)
Self-Hosting a Personal Git Server
Rebooting My Love Affair with Linux
Daily Plaintext Poetry via Email
A Terminal Lifestyle
Self-Hosting FreshRSS
Ditching Cloudflare for Njalla
PineTime: An Open-Source Smart Watch
Set-Up a Reverse Proxy with Nginx
Enable TOTP MFA for SSH
Hardening a Public-Facing Home Server
Dynamic DNS with Cloudflare API
Self-Hosting Nextcloud
Migrating Plex to a New Server with Nvidia GPU Transcoding
Maintaining a Personal Financial Database
Easy, Reliable Note-Taking
Caching Static Content with Nginx
Stripping Image Metadata with Exiftool
Migrating to a New Web Server Setup with Debian, Nginx, and Agate
Leaving Office-Based Work in the Past
Dynamic DNS with Njalla API


I Passed the CISA!
Apache Redirect HTML Files to a Directory
Audit Sampling with Python
How t oDelete All GitLab Repositories
Changing Git Authors
Jumping Back Into Photography
Roll Your Own Static Commenting System in PHP
Hosting a Gemini Server
How to Set Up a VPS Web Server
Launching a Gemini Capsule
Vaporware vs. Outrun
How to Clonse All Repositories from a GitHub or Sourcehut Account
macOS: Testing Out a New OS
Secure Your Network with the Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw)
A Simple Guide to the Fediverse
SEUM: Spreedrunners from Hell


Zork: Let's Explore a Classic
Neon Drive: A Nostalgic 80s Arcade Racing Game
Redesigning My Website: The 5 KB Result
On the Pursuit of Mediocrity
Data Visualization: World Choropleth Map of Happiness
Who is Internal Audit?
IBM Watson Visual Recognition
PHP Authentication Flow
Redirect GitHub Pages from Subdomain to the Top-Level Domain
Algorithmically Analyzing Local Businesses
Data Exploration: Video Games Sales
A Beginner's Guide: Customizing Ubuntu
An Inside Look at My Home Lab
Session Private Messenger
Cryptography Basics
Linux Gaming Tweak: Steam on NTFS Drives
My Favorite Linux Software


Password Security
The Ansoff Matrix
Audit Analytics
Useful CSS Snippets


AES Encryption
The C++ Compiler